Copy Editing
Copy Editing is the next step up from proofreading. With our service you get everything you would get with proofreading.
Spelling (British English or US English)
Missing Words
Incorrect Words (Two, Too, To, and There, Their, They're for example)
Punctuation Errors
We then check for
Grammar errors.
Repetition of words or blocks of information.
Ensuring that the manuscript is technically as good as it can be.
Any inconsistency within the text will be highlighted e.g. ensuring that e-mail on one page doesn't become email fifty pages later or a blond head of hair in Chapter 2 isn't brown in Chapter 15 wherever we notice them.
Rates: For a Comprehensive Copy Edit we charge a rate of $0.006 per word so a 50000 word manuscript would cost $300.
For UK authors a cost would be calculated at the time taking current exchange rates into account.
Minimum charge of $25 applies.
Copy Editing does not include rewriting or revising your manuscript in any major way and shouldn't be viewed as a cheap developmental edit. Its purpose is to ensure that your manuscript is as close to technically perfect as is possible.
For Non Fiction please note that this service does not include Fact Checking or any judgements on plagiarism or legal liabilities from publishing the manuscript. Those are the responsibility of the author. Please enquire for non-fiction rates.
All changes are made in MS Word with changes tracked so you can accept or ignore all or any of our suggestions. We can also work with an .odt file in Open Office.